10x NFT Borrower Engagement: Strategies For NFTFi DApps

A Guide to Boost Up the Engagement of NFT Borrowers Using In-App Pop-Up Campaign with Templates


The rapid growth of the NFTFi space is opening doors to a realm of opportunities, especially for potential NFT borrowers. However, it's crucial to effectively communicate the distinct advantages of borrowing over owning. Enter Spock's 'Engage In-App Pop-Up' feature, your tool to connect directly with this audience. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough on harnessing this tool's potential to its fullest.

Introducing In-App Pop-Up Messages

In-App Pop-Up Messages are direct and timely prompts delivered to users when they're actively engaged with your DApp. These arenโ€™t just generic pop-ups; they're tailored communications crafted for a particular segment of your user base. How It Works

Once you are done with creating a deep segment through the Audience Builder feature, it automatically identifies the user who falls in that criteria. Letโ€™s say a user who fits your predefined criteria (e.g., wallets holding [xyz NFT], NFT trader attributes, a wallet value of 50k, and past engagement with your DApp) connects their wallet to your application, the system identifies them.

The user is immediately presented with a personalized in-app pop-up message crafted just for them. This immediate engagement, tailored to the user's profile and behavior, significantly boosts the chances of conversion.

Building a Precise Audience for Effective Engagement

Segmentation is the foundation. With Spock, you can:

  1. Segment Based on Behavioral/Interaction Cues: Identify users who frequently view NFTs without borrowing, compare borrowing fees, etc.

  2. Interest-Based Insights: Segment users based on their NFT categories of interest.

  3. Past Interactions with DApp: Target users who've previously borrowed but have been inactive recently.

And much more!

This deep segmentation ensures that your pop-up messages meet users exactly where they are, addressing their specific needs and interests.

Crafting Personalized Messages for Maximum Resonance

  1. Emphasize Flexibility: Highlight that borrowing provides the joy of access without the commitment of ownership.

  2. Economic Sense: Borrowing can offer short-term benefits without the financial strain of ownership.

  3. Promote Exclusive Advantages: Underscore the special perks and benefits borrowers can access without a heavy investment.

Suggested Templates

  1. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Unlock Exclusive Perks Without Owning an NFT!

Hey [ENS],

Craving to join exclusive Discord servers? Want in on special events or airdrops, but short on cash to buy an NFT? Worry no more! With [DApp Name], you don't have to own the NFTโ€”just borrow it and get all the access you desire!

What's even better? We offer Fixed APRs so you can plan ahead without any nasty surprises.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Borrow & Unlock the Perks Now! [Link to the Page]"

  1. ๐Ÿ’กRe-Engaging Dormant Borrowers

Hey [ENS],

Missed the thrill of borrowing? Dive back in and check out some exclusive NFTs up for grabs.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Dive Back In! [Link to Page]"

  1. New Borrower Outreach

Hi [ENS],

Ever imagined accessing [NFT Name]'s perks without a purchase? Borrow with us and tap into a world of unmatched benefits!

๐Ÿ‘‰ Begin Your Borrowing Journey! [Link to Page]"


The NFTFi space is ripe with potential. By leveraging Spock's 'Engage In-App Pop-Up' feature, DApp marketers can tap into a powerful medium of personalized communication, enhancing user experience and increasing engagement. Dive into Spock, craft your messages with precision, and witness a marked increase in user engagement and conversion rates.

Last updated