Explore: The Data Warehouse for DApps

Explore is your data warehouse; it's the cornerstone of data-driven decision-making for any decentralized application (dApp).

Explore is your data warehouse; it's the cornerstone of data-driven decision-making for any decentralized application (dApp). Designed to seamlessly integrate with your protocol, Explore consolidates both on-chain and off-chain data into a unified interface, providing you with invaluable insights to fuel your project's growth.

Key data points collected by Explore

  • Wallets: Track and analyze wallet addresses interacting with your dApp, gaining insights into user behavior and preferences.

  • Connections: Understand the various points of interaction within your dApp, from smart contracts to user interfaces, and how they relate to each other.

  • Transactions: Get a comprehensive view of all transactional activities, including transaction hashes, sender and recipient addresses, gas fees, and more.

  • Token: Monitor key metrics related to your native token, such as current price, average holding amount, and holder classifications.


Spock goes above and beyond when it comes to wallet analytics, collecting over 50 data points for each wallet that interacts with your protocol or dApp. This comprehensive data collection allows you to gain a multi-dimensional understanding of your user base.

Key metrics include:

  • Tokens & NFT Holdings: Spock provides a complete inventory of all tokens and NFTs held by a wallet across supported chains. This gives you an unparalleled view of the assets your users value.

  • Traits: Understand the behavioral traits exhibited by each wallet address on-chain. Whether they are a DEX User, a Uniswap User, or an Opensea User, these traits help you profile your users more accurately.

  • Most Active On Chain: Identify the blockchain where a wallet is most active. This can help you tailor your offerings to specific chains that are popular among your users.

  • Last Action: Track the most recent activity performed by a wallet on your protocol. Whether it's an extraction or a contribution event, this data can be crucial for understanding user engagement.

  • Last Seen: Know when a wallet was last active or connected on your protocol, helping you gauge the recency and frequency of user interactions.

And much more.

You can find a detailed list of all the data points here:


Connections (or Sessions)

Spock offers an in-depth analysis of each wallet that connects to your dApp, collecting over 40 unique data points. Once you integrate Spock's SDK into your front end, it begins recording all user sessions, offering a blend of both on-chain and off-chain data. While Connections primarily focus on session data (off-chain), there may be instances where on-chain data for a wallet address is unavailable.

Privacy-First Approach

Understanding the importance of user privacy, Spock allows project creators to choose which data points they wish to collect, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

Key metrics include:

  • Tokens & NFT Holdings: Gain a comprehensive view of all tokens and NFTs held by a wallet across supported chains.

  • Last Seen: Know when a wallet was last active or connected, helping you understand user engagement levels.

  • Last Session Duration: Measure the duration of the last session initiated by the user to gauge their interest and engagement.

  • Txs Submitted: Track the total number of transactions submitted by the user through the front-end interface.

  • Region: Identify the geographical region the user belongs to, allowing for more targeted marketing and user experience optimization.

  • Referrer: Understand the source from which the user arrived, helping you evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing channels.

And much more.

For more information on SDK configuration, click here.

You can find a detailed list of all the data points here:



The Transactions section serves as a comprehensive ledger, listing all transactions that occur within your protocol or any configured contract addresses. This feature is designed to provide you with a 360-degree view of all transactional activities, helping you make data-driven decisions.

Key metrics include:

  • Tx Hash: The unique hash identifier for each transaction, serving as a digital fingerprint for verification and tracking.

  • To: The recipient address where the transaction was executed, helping you understand the flow of assets within your ecosystem.

  • From: The sender address initiating the transaction, offering insights into active participants in your protocol.

  • Chain: Specifies which blockchain the transaction was executed on, allowing you to understand user preferences for specific chains.

  • Function: The name of the smart contract function invoked by the user, offering insights into the most commonly used features of your protocol.

  • Value ($): The monetary value of the transaction, helping you gauge the economic activity within your ecosystem.

And much more.

You can find a detailed list of all the data points here:



The Token section is dedicated to providing in-depth analytics on your protocol's native token. This feature offers a range of metrics that can help you understand the dynamics of your token and its holders.

Key metrics include:

  • Token Price: Stay updated with the current market price of your native token, allowing you to gauge its performance and market sentiment.

  • Avg. Holding Amount: Understand the average value of tokens held by each holder, providing insights into the distribution and concentration of your token.

  • Holder Classification: Categorize your token holders based on their holding duration—Long Term, Short Term, or Intraday Traders. This classification helps you tailor your engagement strategies to different types of investors.

And much more.

You can find a detailed list of all the data points here:

Use Cases

  1. Who Are My Users: Dive deep into your user's preferences, on-chain behaviors, spending habits, and emerging trends. Gain a comprehensive understanding of your users and use these growth metrics to strategically adapt your dApp to meet their needs.

  2. User Behavior Analysis: A DeFi protocol wants to understand how users interact with its staking feature. Using Explore, the platform can collect data on wallet connections, transaction initiations, and completions related to staking.

  3. Multi-Chain Analytics: A cross-chain DEX wants to know which chains are most popular among its users. Explore can consolidate data from multiple blockchains to provide a unified view.

  4. User Segmentation: A dApp wants to create targeted marketing campaigns. Using Explore, it can segment its user base based on various metrics like transaction volume, asset holdings, and activity levels.


  • Configure contract addresses for on-chain data. Find more information here.

  • Configure the off-chain module of the SDK for off-chain data. Find more information here.

If you don't integrate the SDK, Explore will still work, but will only show on-chain data.

Last updated